Tools - Binoculars 1

While church buildings are built to honor God, made to be large so they may hold a good number of people, rising high above many other buildings to remind us of the greatness of the Lord, they are often an intimidating sight to those who are not familiar with religion.  Those who are not acquainted with the ways of doing “church” may feel that they are not welcome in such imposing buildings.  But God’s grace and love is intended for all people.

As we continue our faith journey equipped with the backpack of God’s love and the light that Jesus brings, we can add another tool for our trip.  We can add binoculars to our collection of equipment.

Just as binoculars allow us to see things from a distance, allow us to see better the details of those objects that are far away, the third chapter of Ephesians gives us a new way of looking at our faith.  What is the mystery of faith?  What good news do the Gentiles receive?

Through the working of the Holy Spirit we can take on a new way of looking at faith.  It is no longer a mysterious and incomprehensible idea.  It is no longer an attitude that excludes the outsider.  Instead we must see that the love and grace – the care and forgiveness – that comes from God is open to all who will receive it.

Although at first it seemed that Jesus was born to be the Messiah for God’s chosen people as his ministry grew the message of salvation was offered not just to the Jews but to Gentiles as well.  God’s grace was extended to those who were outside the Jewish faith.

This message continues to be offered to all people through the sacrifice of Christ.  The mystery of faith is that God’s love and mercy is meant for everyone and not just a select group.  Paul and his followers were given direction from God to share the message of salvation to those who were not already part of the predominant faith.  The Gentiles were then welcomed to share in the good news of Jesus.

Like the Gentiles in the time of Paul, the people who are not part of our faith body are still welcome into the grace of Christ.  We must see our faith in a new way.  We must understand that God’s love extends beyond the walls of our church and is open to all who will accept he Lord.

DAILY CHALLENGE:  How can you look at your faith differently?