One of my favorite movies is “Big Jake,” with John Wayne. In it Jake, John Wayne, works with his sons to rescue his grandson. Part of the problem is that Jake’s sons don’t have a close relationship with their father.
At one point Jake’s friend, somewhat aggravated with them, offers some advice. He tells the sons “Do what your father tells you, every time he tells you, and you might get out of this alive.”
As we progress with the Christmas story and the angels who visit, we reach the time where Joseph is visited by an angel. What complication has arisen according to verse 18? How will Joseph deal with it? What does the angel tell him? Why is this happening? What does Joseph do?
The author of Matthew is closely linked to the Old Testament. Throughout the book there are many references to Old Testament scripture and prophecies. So it is fitting that Joseph’s story would be told here.
Joseph was apparently a devout Jew, faithful and righteous. For one, we know he was chosen to be the mortal father of Jesus. But we also see indications of his goodness – he was going to avoid scandal and shame through a “quiet” divorce. Out of respect for Mary (and God) he had no relations with her as a husband until after the baby was born.
But most important is Joseph’s faithful obedience. As a devout and faithful Hebrew he knew of the predictions and prophecies of the Messiah and he obeyed the angel without question. He knew that this child was the most important life to ever enter into the world, and he respected God by doing what he was told.
Big Jake had sons who had never learned to trust him. They had not had an opportunity to build their faith in him. Joseph, however, was ready to trust his heavenly father.
What gave Joseph the ability to obey without question? I believe it was his faith and trust in God. He had peace in his heart because he knew that God would fulfill His promises, and that if God commanded him to obey Joseph would do just that.
We need that same peace in our hearts. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, as we acknowledge the peace on earth God gives, let us have the peace of trusting that God is loving and merciful. Like Joseph, let us remember the scriptures that tell us of God’s wonderful grace.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you show your trust in God this holiday season?
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