Joseph 5

Isaiah 9:6

“What do you want to be when you grow up?’ That’s a question many adults will ask children. And, as a parent, when our children were younger (and still today) we speculate on what these young people will grow to be. What interests and talents do they have? What type of person will they mature into?

The prophet Isaiah had many prophecies concerning the long-awaited Messiah. Today’s passage is frequently read at Christmas, a rather accurate prediction of the coming of Christ. What titles will be given, and have been given, to Jesus?

The Jewish people had expected a Messiah for centuries, but the image of this savior was often that of a mighty king who would come in conquest to overthrow the yoke of oppression and tyranny. “Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end” (verse 7) applies to him. Words such as “he will come in power” were also used.

But the power and the government that were realized in Jesus were not those of war and domination through force. Instead, the power of Christ was to bring the power of love and mercy and forgiveness. What did Jesus, the son who was given, grow up to be? He grew to be a teacher of peace and love.

The birth of Jesus was a gift from God, offered to a fallen humanity in an attempt and an effort to reconcile man to God. Through sin all people are estranged from God, forbidden to be in His presence. But through the teaching, life and sacrifice of Jesus that chasm between us and the Almighty is bridged. We are brought into God’s presence because God has provided a way for that to happen.

So, the last title – “Prince of Peace” – may be the greatest. Jesus brought peace, or at least the opportunity for peace, to all people. And that peace comes about not through military conquest, not by dominating an opponent, but through spirituality.

By obeying the commands of God, by trusting in Christ as Savior, the peace is achieved, first inwardly, in our hearts. The peace conquers not our enemies, but our own fears and failings. Then, when we have attained this peace, we can share it with others.

DALY CHALLENGE: How will you share God’s peace with others this year?

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