Simple things can mean a great deal. Receiving a card from someone, a card of encouragement or appreciation, especially one with a hand-written note can mean so much. A simple card with a few words can really lift my spirits.
Today’s passage is a lengthy one but one that involves simple responses from Mary, the young woman God selected to bear His wonderful gift. Where is Mary? How does Gabriel greet her? What does Gabriel say to explain his greeting?
How does Gabriel answer Mary’s question? What evidence does he offer as proof that God can do anything? How does Mary answer?
“May it be to me as you have said.” Mary’s response to all she has been told is a simple response. She gives no long dissertation on why she is accepting the will of God, and offers no commentary on what it will all mean to her. She simply agrees to be part of this tremendous plan of God’s.
And those words mean a great deal. Mary’s response to what she has heard is an act of love – love for the child she will bear, love for God and love for the world.
By confessing herself as God’s servant, by saying that she will be part of this miraculous story, she is agreeing to be the mother of the baby Jesus. She is agreeing to show love and protection to this helpless child that she will help bring into the world.
Her words also show love for the Lord. She will not argue or resist the Lord, but trusts in what God has planned. Her willingness to serve God in this way is an expression of her love for God.
She is also showing love to all mankind, to you and me. Allowing God to work through her and taking on the responsibility of parenthood means she will be providing all humanity with a Savior, the Messiah. Because of her willingness to serve God we have the promise of eternal life through Christ.
We have all received the gift of love expressed in the simple words of Mary.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you show great love in a simple way?
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