Mary 1

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

We rarely watch "COPS," but it seems like any time I've seen the show, there is some woman who is a victim of domestic abuse and her reason for not prosecuting? "But he loves me."

The concept of love has been misconstrued and twisted throughout history. But Paul, writing to the church at Corinth, describes love with perfect accuracy. What words are used to describe love? What does love NOT do? What does love do?

Love has been described as “active good will for another person.” Looking over this section of the famous “Love Chapter” shows me that love is outwardly focused, and not inwardly focused.

Patience and kindness are outward acts. Refusing pride, envy and rude behavior are acts of self-denial, which is a form of outward focus. Rejoicing in the truth, protecting, persevering, hoping and trusting are outward acts.
To love someone is to deny the self and focus outwardly, on the other person. Jesus was love in the flesh. His ministry, his teaching, his sacrifice, his very being was all outwardly focused – centering not on himself at all, but shining God’s compassion on everyone else.

The same is true of Mary. Her willingness to be used by God to bring His Son into the world was an outward act of love. She trusted and obeyed God. She provided life and nurturing to the person of Jesus. And through her life and actions, through her faith, she shared God’s love with all mankind.

Saying the words is not always a true expression of love. Saying “But he loves me” means nothing when the actions are not outwardly focused and are not actions of good will to others.

God showed love through the gift of Jesus. Jesus showed love through the gift of himself. Mary showed love by what she did. We need to receive the love of God, in Christ, and pass that love on by being outwardly focused to other people.

DAILY CHALLENGE: What action can you do to show God’s love to others?

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