Sometimes when driving in an unfamiliar area the selection of paved ways can be confusing. To help keep from making a terrible mistake there are signs that say simply “Wrong Way.” Often, to know where we should go, we need to see where we should not go.
Such is the case in today’s reading from Acts. The young church under the direction of Peter is growing (see Acts 2:42-47) with members sharing with one another. But then Ananias and Sapphira, a husband and wife, do something selfish.
What do they do? What does Peter know? What does Peter mean by what he says in verse 4? What happens to Ananias? What opportunity is offered to Sapphira (verse 8)? What happens to Sapphira?
In talking about goodness – agathosune – some may ask “what is goodness?” Today’s passage is an example of what is not goodness.
These two individuals are part of a faithful group of believers, much as any member of your church might be. They are given the opportunity to share with the others, to be part of this holy gathering, but instead they choose to be greedy and self-serving. They fail to live out agathosune.
Ananias is confronted first and dies as a result of his sinfulness. His wife is given an opportunity to admit the truth, but she continues with the deceit. She too dies.
Such a story can disturb us as we consider this early movement. Is this cruelty on the part of Peter? Is this God being too strict?
In truth we can sometimes get so caught up in the forgiveness and mercy that comes from God that we forget we are called to live a certain way. We can start believing that since God is so merciful we can live however we choose and not suffer any consequences.
But we are indeed called to holy living. If we are in step with the Spirit, if we are really Christian, if we really want to follow Jesus, then we will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. We will live out love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness.
To be a Christian means to live a life of goodness – agathosune. It means that we will stop doing what is wrong and strive to overcome the humanness of ourselves, to resist the temptation of living for ourselves. We will begin displaying agathosune in all we do – being honest, being fair, being loving, caring, serving, sacrificing.
If we are unable to live a life of agathosune then we are Christians in name alone. Then, like Ananias, we are deceiving ourselves and lying to the Holy Spirit. Ananias and Sapphira had only the appearance of being true believers. Their behavior, the way they lived, displayed a spirit that was not part of agathosune.
I doubt that those of us who cannot live out agathosune will be struck dead where we stand, but I believe those who cannot bear the fruit of the Spirit will experience a spiritual death. Our hope and joy will be gone.
The good news is that we can turn away from the selfish life we are living and return to God. There we will be forgiven and there we will find new life.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Is there a selfish sinfulness in your life that needs to be placed at the feet of Jesus?
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