James 5:13-20
Our medicine cabinet (actually a plastic basket in the linen closet) is full of a variety of medicines for various ills. We have cold medicines, pills for sinus relief, antibiotic cream, band-aids, pain relievers, anti-diarrheals, and even something to remove ear wax. James, on the other hand, offers a cure-all for any occasion.
What situations call for prayer? What reason for prayer is given in verse 15? What should we do, according to verse 16? Who is offered as an example? What encouragement is offered in verses 19-20?
There is nothing more frustrating than a helpless Christian. So many people throw up their hands and say, “What can I do?”
Answer – pray.
It seems like such an easy solution and it can come across as such an insincere thing, but verse 16 points out that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. If we are going to live as Christians and exhibit agathosune in our lives, then we must cover our lives in prayer. We must come to the Lord daily and ask for His blessings and His guidance. And remember that when you ask God to bless something, that doesn’t just mean you get good things. It means that God will work through it and make it good.
Before we give up on trying to live a life of goodness by claiming we are flawed and sinful, we must remember that the prayer offered in faith makes the sick person well and the sinful person forgiven.
And who can offer such prayers?
Anyone. James offers the example of Elijah, one of the greatest prophets (maybe THE greatest prophet) of the Old Testament. He was just a man, just an average person like you and me. But he was willing to have faith and pray.
How can we possibly live a life of agathosune? Pray for forgiveness. Pray for guidance. Pray for strength.
If you offer your prayer in faith God will respond. God will forgive and bless you. Then you can consider yourself a righteous person. Because that is the catch here – the prayers of a “righteous” person are powerful and effective. If you can seek forgiveness and God’s guidance, you can be made righteous. Then you can pray for others, those who have wandered from the truth. And you, through righteous prayer, prayer offered in a spirit of agathosune, can save that person from death.
DAILY CHALLENGE: I have already said it – Pray for forgiveness. Pray for guidance. Pray for strength.
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