Luke 12:35-37
No matter how tired I am I can not rest unless I am prepared for what needs to be done. I can not relax on Saturday night unless I am sure that I have all that I will need for Sunday’s service. Weeknights are the same; I can’t rest until I at least have a list of what must get done the next day. Knowing that I have gathered all that I need or have prepared myself and gotten organized to the best of my abilities helps avoid anxiety.
We can avoid fear by being spiritually prepared. In this passage from Luke Jesus is giving an example of how we are to be watchful for the Lord. What are the instructions? To whom is Christ compared in verse 36? What twist is presented in verse 37?
The image of Jesus as the bridegroom is common in the Gospels. It presents a picture of a loving relationship. It also creates a comparison that most of Jesus’ listeners were familiar with. Those attending the groom had to wait patiently for him. They had to be ready so that whenever the groom appeared they could serve him. To be unprepared meant to risk the success of the wedding.
So it is with our faith. We need to establish that relationship with God now. We need to work on perfecting ourselves in Christ now. We are not supposed to wander blindly through life turning to God only when things get desperate. Nor can we abandon our faith when things get tough.
We need to be patient with our faith. One way to be patient, to avoid fear and worry, is to know that our faith is strong. We should be spiritually dressed and ready for service to God. Is your heart in a place where you are prepared to help God’s kingdom even when society seems to be in turmoil?
We need to keep our spiritual lamps burning. We should be a beacon of light and hope to others who do not have the depth of faith we have. Is your spiritual light of hope and love shining in these dark times?
How can we dress our souls for service? How can we keep our own lights burning? We do so by applying ourselves to our faith – by examining the word of God, by searching for understanding in the teachings of Jesus, and by holding firmly to our faith. We also need to be persistent and diligent in our prayer life.
We also dress for service by watching for need in others. We should be observant to the troubles others may be going through and be prepared – physically, emotionally and spiritually – to step in with help and encouragement. We can also be an example of strength and confidence, exhibiting that faith in God which keeps us joyful in hope and patient in affliction. When we do that we shine our lights for others to see.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do now to keep your spiritual lamp burning?
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