In today's world, it is nearly unheard of to pay employees cash at the end of the day for the work they have done. In fact, most new employees have to wait an extra week or so to get into the paycheck rhythm of the company. But, while we wait for our pay we are expected to continue to do our work and do it to the best of our abilities.
A similar attitude is referred to in this passage from Hebrews. How is God described? What is encouraged or desired? What does the author want to avoid?
How is God described? What is encouraged or desired? What does the author want to avoid?
Last week we examined the passage from Romans 12 where Paul encouraged the believers to be “joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” We have seen that knowing our salvation is sure through Jesus Christ should bring us hope. We have seen that knowing we are not alone in our difficulties should bring us hope. And we have seen that having all this hope should bring us joy.
Now we must learn to be patient in our affliction. Many financial experts have commented on the current trouble in the world marketplace. One comment that has frequently been voiced is that it will take time for the economy to recover. Those who have investments in stock will do well to be patient, allowing time to pass and their stock values to increase.
The same attitude is required in our faith. As we face hardships and challenges in life, we need to be patient in our difficult times. Rarely do our problems resolve themselves overnight. The struggles and hardships we encounter do not mean that God does not love us nor that God is not there.
We need to be diligent in our faith. We need to continue to apply ourselves spiritually to our pursuit of God and the perfecting of our souls. This usually takes time.
We should be patient, not only in the times of affliction we must endure – the struggles, the pain and the loss – but also in our spiritual growth, and in the relationship we have with the Almighty.
The author of Hebrews warns against becoming lazy. True faith and belief in Christ requires a patience and an endurance, holding firm to what we know as true without allowing ourselves to weaken or abandon our hopes.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can help you remain patient in difficult times?
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