Due to the President's Day holiday, this week will only have four devotions.
One of the images near the end of the movie “Forrest Gump” is that of Forrest’s son sitting and watching television with his head tilted in the same way Forrest tilted his head. It was an image to let the audience know that the child did indeed belong to Forrest. The boy was a living example of the father.
Our behavior and our attitudes, our way of talking and walking, our way of working, can all be indications of who we are and who we came from. And this concept goes beyond our inherited traits and behaviors. It applies to our faith also.
In this passage Jesus gives instruction to his disciples. What is the new command? What will obedience to this command show others?
Jesus has gathered with his disciples to take part in that intimate meal we now know as the Last Supper. This was his last hours with those who were followers, those whom he loved. This was his last opportunity to teach his disciples. And in this opportunity he imparts a new lesson.
The disciples were told to love one another. And how should they love one another? In the same way, behaving in the same manner, as Jesus did. That meant they should love one another completely, and they should be willing to sacrifice for one another. Their love for one another should be a love that accepts, desires fellowship, teaches and forgives.
And I believe his instructions were not just for the disciples, but were meant to all who believe in Christ. We must love one another. And we must be evident in our love for one another. The love we should have for one another in the body of Christ should be a love that lives out what it means to be Christian. Our love should be a visible and concrete example of who Jesus is.
By loving one another as Jesus was able to love we are serving as witnesses and teachers in the faith. As Jesus pointed out, “all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
DAILY CHALLENGE: How will people know you are a disciple of Christ?
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