Ephesians 5:1-2
I usually find it difficult to think of an appropriate gift for people, especially my wife. But a few years back it was easy. I went to a bath and body store and purchased scented soaps, shampoos, colognes and lotions as gifts. They were an expression of love intended to make my wife feel good. My hope was that when she enjoyed these wonderful scents she would be reminded of the love I have for her.
In the letter to the Ephesians we have very simple instructions on what we are to do. What two things are we commanded to do? What has Jesus done?
The instructions are simple but following them may be very difficult. We are to imitate God.
How do we imitate God? We can’t create a rainbow or still the winds. We can’t create a mountain or calm a storm. But we can love other people. That is what God does. God loves us deeply, and in His love He provides for our needs and wants.
We are to imitate God by living a life of love. Our love should not be expressed on occasion or when it is convenient. Our love should not be expressed when it makes us look good or only when it is easy to do. Love should be lived out through our entire life, at all times.
We are to imitate God by loving others, without condition, and by providing for them. Our love needs to be expressed by more than just words. We need to include actions as well.
That is what Jesus did. He lived out his love by offering himself completely as a sacrifice. He gave his life so that we might inherit eternal life. And such a sacrifice, such an action was an offering to God. It wasn’t the smoke and odor of a burnt offering that the ancient Hebrews practiced, but it was a pleasant and fragrant offering, something that made God happy.
In the same way we should be imitators of Jesus. We should sacrifice for others. We should be willing to give ourselves completely in an expression of love to others. And such actions, such expressions of love will be fragrant and pleasant offerings to God also, making Him very happy.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you imitate God today?
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