Revelation 22:1-2
Whether you are a fan of the movies and books or not, most people would agree that the character of James Bond, 007, is the epitome of cool and sophisticated. I have often wanted to be just like this man; suave, unflappable, and highly cultured. When attending work parties with higher-ups I do attempt the behavior of the smooth and worldly spy, but I doubt that I pull it off completely. I may never be an international spy, but I can imitate the attitude of confidence.
In the final book of the Bible God has given a vision, a picture, to John. What is shown in verse 1? How is it described? What else was there? What was the purpose of the trees?
One notable aspect of the Book of Revelation is the ability of John to create a mental image for the reader. Throughout the book we can clearly envision the pictures that God has revealed to him.
Not all visions from God, or pictures from God, are about specific tasks or specific places. Some visions are there to create an attitude. Some are there to offer hope.
Such is the case with this vision of heaven. God shows John that ultimately there will be peace and comfort for the followers of God. God will heal all wounds and surround us with love and mercy.
As we work toward living out the goal of the church – that is, bringing God’s kingdom to fruition here on earth – the Lord may give you a vision of what will come. And that vision may not be of an exact ministry, a definite task, or of a specific place. Instead God may simply offer a picture of hope and success.
When God gives you that picture of hope and accomplishment you should allow it to become part of who you are and what attitude you have. If God has given you a vision of hope then make that hope a part of how you behave and how you speak.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you share hope?
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