1 Samuel 16:11-12
“Ah-ha!” “Eureka!” “That’s it!” These are all familiar expressions people use when the light comes on in the mind and suddenly everything is made clear. Sometimes we can think and worry and wonder for days and days feeling hopeless about what we are supposed to do, when suddenly we have God’s inspiration enter in and we realize God has given us His vision.
Samuel is looking for the next king of Israel, and he knows the new king is to be from Jesse’s family, but he worries he has exhausted his possibilities. What does he ask? Who is left? What happens when the young man enters?
All of the fine, strapping young sons of Jesse have been rejected. Samuel was certain one of these stronger, older brothers would be chosen and I am certain he was baffled when none from the first seven were chosen.
But there is one more opportunity in the youngest son, David, a shepherd boy. It seems unlikely, but Samuel gives it a shot. And that is when God speaks to Samuel. This is the one!
We are frequently challenged with new ministry ideas. What can we do? Who will we help? And so often we can create a list of ideas only to dismiss every one for this reason or that.
But there is great excitement and peace in my heart when at last we come across a ministry opportunity that jumps out at us. There have been many times in the past several years where a ministry idea may at first seem unlikely, but then there is that spark from God that lets us know – this is it.
As we examine our ministry opportunities we need to be open to that leading from God. Let God create the vision. Let God take the lead. Through devout and earnest prayer you can trust that God will turn on that light of inspiration so that the right ministry is ready for you to live out.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you open yourself up to God’s leading?
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