James 1:22-25
Most of the time I am clean-shaven, but there have been occasions where I have grown a beard for various reasons. I must admit that during those times there are instances where I look in the mirror and I am momentarily startled to see the beard. I am so accustomed to not having one that I forget I am growing the beard.
Sometimes we can be that way about our faith. We forget that we are Christians and we forget what we are called to do as Christians. What instruction does James offer in verse 22? What comparison is made in verses 23 and 24? What encouragement is given in verse 25?
It may sound silly to hear that a person can forget what he looks like and be startled by his appearance in the mirror, but it does happen. Unfortunately, the same is true of our spiritual walk. It may sound silly to hear that a person can forget he is a Christian, but it happens all the time.
Too many people allow their faith to become dormant and stale. Too many people who call themselves “Christian” do not live or act as Christians. They have forgotten the teachings of the Bible.
If we will be mature Christians and truly devoted to serving our Lord we must look intently into the perfect law. The perfect law, of course, is the teaching and guidance of Jesus. We must invest our time and efforts, our faith, our whole hearts into being Christians – living out our faith and following the example of Christ.
As Christians we should not forget what we have been taught, nor should we forget the example of Christ. We are to live as Christians at all times and live so that our faith is evident to all. James also emphasizes not just remembering our spiritual heritage, but also putting our faith into practice. Verse 22 states that we should “Do what it says” in reference to the teaching of Scripture, a concept restated in verse 25 (“doing it”).
And what is the result? We will be blessed by living as Christians.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What teaching of Christ do you live out? How do you do it?
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