John 15:5
Clearing away clinging weeds in our garden several years back I was struggling at getting all the tendrils and branching vines pulled from the plants we wanted to keep. Then it dawned on me that all I needed to do was pull out the root of the weeds – easy to find – and that would kill the weed, even all the vines that were intertwined among the good branches of the plants.
Without the source of food and strength in the root the rest of the plant could not survive. And so it goes with our faith.
What comparison does Jesus make of himself? What happens with the faithful person who remains rooted in Jesus? What happens if we do not keep our faith in Christ?
It is a simple fact of nature that a plant draws its strength and nourishment from the root system. It is the root that gives the food and energy, and therefore the ability, to the rest of the plant. With strong and functioning roots a plant may produce a great deal of fruit.
If we are to produce fruit in our faith – fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience and kindness (see Galatians 5:22-23) – then we must remain rooted in Jesus. Jesus is the vine from which we branch out. Following the teachings of Christ and acting in the same way that Jesus did allows us to grow as good Christians and enables us to produce the fruit of our faith.
When we look intently into the perfect law of God, when we study Scripture and spend time in study, fellowship and communion with one another and God, then we are able to live out a life as a Christian. We are strengthened in faith and ability.
Without Christ, without that spiritual root that gives us power in our faith and guidance in our actions, we can do nothing. And if we continue reading in this passage of John to verse 8 we will see that it is to God’s glory that we bear much fruit and show the world that we are truly deserving of the title “Christian.”
DAILY CHALLENGE: Are you rooted in Christ? What part of your connection to the Lord needs strengthening?
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