Ephesians 4:29-32
“If you don’t have anything good to say about someone . . . come sit by me.” We’ve all probably heard that one before, and we all probably enjoy a juicy piece of gossip now and then. But we should be better than that. Sharing in gossip is not only a bad attitude to have, it also can promote or sustain anger between individuals.
However, disputes among believers and non-believers alike is nothing new. What kind of talk are we supposed to have come out of our mouths? How might a person grieve the Holy Spirit? What does verse 31 say we need to get rid of? Instead, how should we feel toward one another? Why should we forgive one another?
Offenses and insults can rile us to anger. It is human nature to be upset about some things. The problem is that we should not cling to that anger. Instead, we are called to be forgiving.
It is difficult for everyone, church people and church leaders included, to think well of others and want the best for them. Envy and jealousy often creep into our thoughts and we may find ourselves delighting in the misfortune of others.
But this letter to the Ephesians is a reminder for all of us that we are supposed to say only those things that are helpful in building others up. And it should be offered “according to their needs.” In other words, don’t just pontificate with good advice for people who may not need to hear that advice. Offer good words of advice and encouragement when they are needed, and when they are appropriate.
We also need to remember that we cause God grief when we don’t get along with others. If we will cling to grudges and old frustrations we are keeping ourselves from happiness and upsetting God. Instead, we must learn to forgive in genuine love and move on in Christ.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Pray for a person who has offended you. Pray that God will help you forgive.
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