Matthew 6:12I really love desserts, especially if they involve chocolate. And there are times when I must share my chocolate dessert with a loved one, and it isn’t always easy to be so giving. Unfortunately we can take that same attitude with the goodness God gives us.
Our relationship with God should never be one of selfishness. That which the Lord gives to each of us, we should be willing to pass on to others. While each of us must find forgiveness from God, we are also called upon to offer forgiveness to others. It is part of our walk of faith in the kingdom of God.
Today’s passage is part of what has become known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” It is a teaching from Jesus on what format our prayers should take. What is the requirement for our sins to be forgiven?
The New International Version (NIV) of the Bible uses the words “debts” and “debtors” in this passage. Other versions might say “trespasses.” While the original word may have various translations, the general meaning is “offense.”
So, in our prayers we should ask God to forgive us for offending Him and doing wrong. But what attitude should we have when we offer that forgiveness? We should give forgiveness in the same way God has forgiven us for the times we have offended Him and sinned against Him.
Many claim that this statement in the prayer is a type of agreement between us and God. If we forgive others, then God will forgive us. The thinking is that if we do not forgive others we are preventing God from releasing us from the bonds of our offenses.
Most, however, see this more of a guideline for us in our attitude of grace. It may be a struggle for us to be forgiving. It may be difficult for us to have the mercy we should have for all of those who may have upset or hurt us. But we should be able to forgive those who have offended us with the same willingness and love that God has shown us.
If God can be so gracious as to remove the blot of all of our failings, we should imitate God and be as gracious and merciful.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you find forgiveness in your heart for all who have hurt or offended you?
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