Matthew 26:27-28
I learned this week that someone wanted to talk to me on Sunday after the service but I was busy talking to others so the conversation did not take place. I felt bad that I could not respond to the needs of that person. It isn’t always easy but we should work to be attentive to the people around us, people who may require our attention and our time.
On the night that Jesus was arrested, when his ordeal of crucifixion was about to begin, he gathered with his disciples and shared a meal. What was part of that meal? What did the wine represent?
If we consider all that Jesus had done in his ministry, and if we consider what he was about to endure, and if we realize Jesus knew what was about to happen, we could imagine that Jesus had a lot on his mind during the Last Supper. Yet he was able to offer grace to his disciples in that meal.
In spite of all that he had already gone through, the frustration he may have felt about all of his teaching and healing and the fact that most people still didn’t understand, Jesus was still able to extend love and mercy to those around him. In this tense time just before the crucifixion Jesus reminded the disciples about the forgiveness the world was about to receive through the crucifixion.
The wine was a reminder of how Jesus’ blood would be poured out in sacrifice for the benefit for all humanity. One of the key words is “poured.” This creates an image of generosity, an overflowing amount, an abundance. Forgiveness was about to be poured out for all of us. And that forgiveness was to come in abundance.
Christ serves as our example in how we are to deal with others. We should have forgiveness pour out from us to others. We should be willing to set ourselves aside for a moment and deal with the needs of those around us. Many probably need to know that we have a forgiving attitude and we are willing to forgive them. Many may need to hear and see and feel the grace that should pour out from you so that they may reach wholeness.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you have forgiveness pour out from you to those who need to receive it?
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