Luke 10:41-42
When I go to the church office to get work done I usually have a thousand things on my mind. As I unlock the office door and start the computer I am often distracted by the blinking message light on the answering machine. Sometimes I have spotted something in the Sanctuary or on my desk that needs attention. Before you know it I am caught up in all the busy work of being a pastor.
But what I need to do before anything else is to sit down and pray. If I am going to get anything done properly and do it for God I must first connect with the Lord and get myself on the right track.
Today’s passage is from the story of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha, two friends of his. While there Martha worked around the house while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and had a conversation. Eventually Martha complained to Jesus, urging him to ask Mary to help in the housework.
How does Jesus respond when Martha complains? Who has chosen best? What is the “one thing” that is needed?
Poor Martha has been looked down upon as a fool for all these many years, but we might assume that the work she was doing was important. Luke simply says it was “preparations that had to be made.” The words imply the work was necessary.
And although Martha was distracted by the work she was the one who opened her home to Jesus. She was the one who brought him in.
The intention of visiting with Jesus may have been genuine and the work Martha did may have been important, but she missed out on a primary part of the whole situation. She was failing to establish a relationship with Jesus, to understand him better and to spend some time with him.
We too can get distracted by what we want to do. The work may be good work and important work. It may be necessary that we do what is there before us. The things that fill our lives might even be work for our church. But what we cannot miss out on is a relationship with Jesus. We must allow ourselves the time to truly encounter Jesus and have a deeper comprehension of who he is.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What will it take for you to sit at the Lord’s feet and listen?
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