John 14:6-7
New relationships can be exciting and interesting. It is fun to learn new things about someone, the new information being discovered sometimes with pleasant surprises. But it is also good to have more mature relationships. These can be comfortable and reassuring because of the familiarity. They know us and we know them and there is comfort in that.
Talking to the disciples about what will happen to him Jesus reveals some information to them. What three things describe Jesus? How do we reach the Father? How can we get to know the Father? What assurance is given?
Most of us have read this passage before. It is one rather familiar to Christians. It is a great description of who Jesus is and speaks to the necessity of accepting Jesus as our Savior.
But often hearing it can be intimidating. The comments might even cause fear. Jesus has presented himself as the narrow gate we must enter to receive the rich blessings of God. The fear comes from focusing on the narrowness of the gate. Jesus is the only way.
What we should focus on is the fact that Jesus is the gate. There is an opening. There is a way to reach the Almighty God. We can know the father by learning about who Jesus is.
Once we have seen the Son we have seen the Father. Once we have experienced the love and grace of Jesus Christ then we have experienced the love and grace of God.
God is not an inaccessible being. He is not a distant deity that stands remote from humanity. We can learn about Him, become familiar with Him, and become comfortable with Him by establishing a relationship with Jesus.
And when we have established a relationship with Jesus we receive the comfort of truly knowing our God.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you get to know Jesus?
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