Matthew 6:31-33
Working as a copy editor for the local newspaper years ago, one of the primary responsibilities of my job was to read each news article and then create a headline for it. I had to sum up the essential points of the article and make it fit in the space allotted using the type size requested. It wasn’t always easy to find the right words and then make them fit, but my boss told me one day “There is always another way to say what needs to be said.”
He was right. No matter what my first few attempts might have been, no matter how frustrated I got with trying to make things work out, there was always another way to say things. Eventually it all fit.
I believe the same may be true of life. No matter how difficult things may seem, no matter how frustrated we may feel with what is going on, there is always a way for things to work out. It doesn’t matter what hardships or challenges we may be facing, there is good in life. God has created all things to work to good if we can learn to trust Him and serve Him.
In the “Sermon on the Mount” Jesus points out the goodness of God. What should we NOT do? What should we trust about God? What should we do first and foremost?
We all have worries in life. There are no real guarantees in life. The future is uncertain and we may be concerned about what lies ahead. But we should not be overcome by our fears and concerns.
Of course, as intelligent and responsible people we need to prepare for the future and be ready to confront what lies ahead. But we also need to trust that God is with us in all things.
I do not believe that we should wander through life with absolutely no concern about what might happen. We need to be conscientious of our health and the care of ourselves and our family. We need to approach our jobs with some responsibility. But Jesus points out that all things will fall into place if we focus on living a good and holy life first.
We must seek the things of God first. Our spiritual health and holy attitudes should be what is most important to us. And when we have that attitude then we can more easily trust God in all the challenges that await us.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can help you to worry less?
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