Psalm 139:13-16
Trust doesn’t always come easily. Working last fall with a retired police officer we were traveling together through the city of Lima. He was driving and we drove down streets I had never been down. I saw parts of the city I never even knew existed. And when I was tempted to ask if he knew where he was going I reminded myself that he probably knew exactly what he was doing.
Psalm 139 is a wonderful statement of our reliance and trust in God. What has God done? What does this knowledge cause us to do? What does God know about us?
Life can be like being a passenger in a car. We are not in control and we may feel we are being taken places we don’t understand. But we need to trust.
Life isn’t always easy or simple. We are frequently confronted with problems in life. We have our concerns and fears. But we need to trust that we are not alone in this journey.
And more than the fact that we are not alone, we need to trust that God understands us completely. He is the one who has made us. He knows all about us. He understands our innermost thoughts. He knows what we are good at and what our weaknesses are.
No matter what we are facing in our lives we must know that each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made. Every one of us is a beautiful creation of the Lord. He has given us all that we need in our lives.
Nothing is hidden from God. He understands our thinking and He knows what we are feeling. It is that full knowledge of us that should not make us afraid that we are known, butt that we should celebrate. God can see what is possible with each of us. We simply need to live out His design and trust in His ability and presence.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Where do you need to trust God more in your life?
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