1 Samuel 1:10-20
In 1 Samuel we see the beginning of the life of the prophet and priest Samuel. His mother is Hannah, a woman who has been barren – unable to have children – for many years. Another wife to her husband has been blessed by God and has given birth to several children, a fact which torments Hannah.
What is Hannah’s state of mind? What does she ask for? What does she promise? What blessing does Eli give?
Some may interpret this story as an indication that we can receive whatever we ask for from God, but I do not believe it is as simple as that. We can find ourselves in the same position that Hannah was in. We may feel that we need this thing or that to make us feel complete and whole. In our desperate state we may turn to the Lord and ask that He give us those things that we need.
Some may feel uncomfortable asking God for such gifts, but the Lord understands what we need. He knows the thoughts of our minds and the desires of our heart. If what we desire is something that will be good for us and something we can use to help serve and glorify the Lord then it is likely that we will be granted that which we seek.
Hannah did not ask for great wealth or things that satisfy selfish desires. Rather she wanted something simple and reasonable, a child which would make her feel complete, a child who could serve the Lord.
When he first saw her Eli did not understand the motivation and desire of Hannah. But she pointed out what it was she was praying for and the priest offered a blessing that God would grant her desire.
Others may not understand what it is that troubles our souls. But the Lord knows our desires and our motivation. I believe that if what we want is for the good of life and the good of God’s kingdom we are free to ask for those things. I believe God desires that we have lives that are full and rich with blessings, and I believe we are welcome to ask for what we need.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What do you need in your life? Is it something that can help to serve God?
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