1 Chronicles 4:10
There are different personalities when it comes to the many ministries that are available to believers. Some like to serve. They are the “worker bees” who like to get things done with their hands. Some like to teach. Others like to care for the sick and lonely. Still others like to offer encouragement and words of comfort.
Then there are those who like to manage. They are the ones who do not shy away from positions of authority and the responsibility of organizing events. The man named Jabez seems to have been one of those.
Today’s passage is the well-known “Prayer of Jabez.” What four things does Jabez ask for? How does God respond?
Bruce Wilkinson’s book on the Prayer of Jabez provides immense detail, information and analysis of this simple passage, but in a nutshell we have an obscure story in the Bible about a man who asks God for good gifts and apparently receives them.
What we must realize about this is that, first, Jabez’s motivation seems to be one that is not selfish. It seems that his desire for a blessing and responsibility is intended for the good of God’s kingdom. He asks for responsibility. He wants God to enlarge his territory – that is, he wants more work to be under his control.
This man is bold enough to ask the Lord for a blessing – good gifts – but this blessing is apparently intended to help Jabez do more for the Lord. In his request Jabez acknowledges the sovereignty of God. He knows that God must be with him so that he can be successful in his efforts.
As mentioned in the story of Hannah and Samuel, many people feel uncomfortable asking God for gifts and blessings. But if our desire is to be blessed with ability and resources so that we might better serve the Lord, if we ask for more ministry, more lives to touch, as long as we also desire the Lord to be with us, we are likely to receive the blessings – and responsibilities – we ask for.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What blessing do you need so you can do more for God?
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