Well, since you are reading this daily devotional the world did not come to an end on Saturday as some had predicted. The expectation of the world’s ending is something that has been the topic of conversation for a very long time.
Those who followed Jesus expected the Lord to return and bring an end to the world within just a few years of the crucifixion and resurrection. Others expected the world to end at the turn of the millennium in the year 1,000. Still others were certain that the world would end in Y2K – the year 2,000. Yet we are still here.
We have recently been witness to tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and excessively wet weather. People frequently wonder if the world will end soon, or at least they wonder how much turmoil we can endure.
The world has always been a place of turmoil as well as comfort and the psalmist expresses some trust in God. What attitude does the psalmist have? What has God done?
Life is not always easy. Things don’t always go our way and I don’t believe that the cataclysmic episodes we witness are punishment from the Almighty nor indications that our doom is imminent.
Life happens. Good things come about as well as bad things. Our planet is a living, breathing entity which goes through changes now and then. Tectonic plates shift and cause earthquakes, and with each shift other plates of stone must move to a new position – new earthquakes and new tidal waves.
While the world is unpredictable we can find comfort and assurance in the constancy of God. The Lord is always with us. The Lord always loves us, even when we are disobedient and far from the holy people we should be.
We can’t always plan for the troubles of life. But we always have a choice. We can sink in the mire of despair and sorrow, or we can trust that the Lord can make good things emerge from the bad we see.
If we can trust in God and hand over control to God, if we can worship God even in the frightening times the Lord will be generous and good. He alone offers healing and comfort. He alone can save us.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you show trust in God?
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