We are nearing the days of our vacation Bible school. Every year as we ready for the event we have a day where we set up for the week. This involves hauling van-load after van-load of materials over to the community center where the VBS will be held.
On that day of preparation we end up with piles of objects – cardboard tubes, blankets, buckets, ladders, hooks, curtains, costumes and stacks of paper. Once everything is there we have a chaotic pile of things. A casual glance just brings a sense of confusion. What can become of all this stuff?
But out of this jumble of objects a very effective program emerges. Things are put where they belong. Sets and decorations are put in place. Costumes are laid out in the order in which they will be used. Lessons are ready. Out of the chaos comes wonderful order.
It was worse than that at the beginning of things. What did God do at the beginning? What did He have to work with? How did things come to order?
The creation story – one that most people are familiar with – is a perfect example of God’s ability to bring goodness and order out of chaos. The world was formless and empty. There was nothing but a swirling void of “stuff,” but God’s Spirit swept over the tumultuous waters and brought about all that we see and hear and feel.
With a few words He commanded light and dark to exist. If you continue reading the whole story you will see that God spoke into existence the oceans and rivers, the mountains, the fields, the plants, the birds of the air, animals and even the complex creatures known as human beings.
It all came out of nothing through the power of God.
We may feel that our planet is spinning out of control. Our lives are out of sync and we are faced with utter chaos and a hopeless mess of things.
But God is with us, and if He can make all the wonderful things He has made out of nothing, He can take the mess we have and bring goodness and order. Let us replace fear with trust. Let us replace worry with hope, and let us have confidence in the good working of God.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you hand your fears over to God?
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