Like most people, I guess, I spent many years when I was younger dreaming of the day when I would have all that I wanted – a big house, nice car, lots of money and influence. Years passed as I dreamed and hoped. And then I realized that I was spending my present dreaming of a future that may never be.
I discovered that money truly is not the only way to happiness. I learned to be happy with the here and now, with what I had and who I was with.
In his letter to the Philippians Paul talks about lessons he has learned. What makes Paul so happy here? Why had he not seen the Philippians’ concern before? What lesson has Paul learned? What is his conclusion?
In this time of thanksgiving, as we look at what we have, we can begin to believe that only the best of gifts and benefits lead to our happiness. We forget the words in 1 Thessalonians 5 – “Be joyful always.” “Give thanks in all situations.”
It is easy to appreciate what we consider to be good in our lives – a nice house, a good car, trinkets and treasures that bring us happiness. But we must also learn to give thanks for all that we have, even if at first we see it as troublesome.
Paul knew how to be joyful in all situations. He knew how to feel happy even when he didn’t have enough food, when he was cold and alone. He knew the secret was that God was with him. He knew that it was the Spirit of Christ who gave him the ability to do all things. And he knew that whether he had riches or not, God loved him still.
That was what gave Paul comfort and joy.
And so it should be with us as well. We should see that even though we face challenges in our lives – hardships, pain, sorrow, want – we are still loved by Christ and God is with us to help us through our darkest hour. If we can find happiness and appreciation in the good things we have AND find appreciation for the challenges, then we will truly be joyful people.
We may not recognize it at first, but the dark hours of struggle are when Christ draws us nearer to him for comfort. In that we can find joy and gratitude.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Think of a difficult situation you may be facing and thank God for His presence with you in this time.
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