When I bought my first house there was a pathetic, little plant in the corner of the yard, so I mowed it to the ground at my first opportunity. The plant grew back and was a little stronger, but still rather unattractive, so I mowed it to the ground again. Again the plant returned, healthier and better. Seeing a healthy plant I stopped attacking it with my mower and began cutting it back with clippers.
When we sold the house five years later the plant, a yucca plant, was hearty and beautiful with six-foot tall stalks covered in vibrant, white flowers. The plant survived because it had a strong root system. It also, obviously, responded well to adversity, getting stronger and healthier each time it had to return from a setback.
Paul, in his letter to the church at Colossae, talks about being rooted in Jesus. Once we have accepted Christ, what are we to do then? What is an expression of living in Christ?
As I think of our children growing up and facing the challenges of life I draw confidence in knowing that as parents we have done all we can to instill good values in them, and we have taught them to think clearly and rationally. We have equipped them, as children, to become strong and productive adults. We have given them roots – roots deep in a Christian upbringing, roots deep in an upbringing of intelligence and good instruction.
It is true of our faith as well. Through his life, teaching and sacrifice Jesus has built an extensive root system for our faith and for our lives. By imitating Jesus, by becoming as much like him as we can and becoming as faithful of a believer as we can, we are rooting ourselves in the love and power of Christ.
We will all face hardship and pain. We are not spared these trials. But if we accept Jesus, learn his teachings and internalize them, we are given the strength of Jesus. Our faith is rooted in Christ and we draw strength from him as any plant draws nourishment through its roots.
Like a plant that comes back season after season in spite of the struggle of being cut down or battered by the weather, we too can keep coming back, keep moving forward in our life of faith. Christ can give us strength and sustenance to endure challenges. And one expression that comes from this reliance on Jesus is an attitude of thankfulness, and not just a small amount of contentedness, but a gratitude that overflows in our life.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do to be rooted in Christ and continue to live in the Lord?
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