Our latest pet peeve is the car commercial showing children in the back of a Chrysler Town and Country minivan playing “Jenga.” If you have ever played the game, which involves pulling wooden blocks from a stack without making it all topple, you know how impossible it is to play such a game without the sturdiest of foundations.
Life can sometimes feel like that game. Each day is a block we must carefully remove without having everything come crashing down around us. It can be difficult to find an attitude of thanks in such situations. It can be difficult to be content in every situation, to give thanks in all situations, when so many feel like impending calamity.
What helps is knowing the foundation on which we stand, the firm base of our faith. God provides us with a base that cannot be shaken. As the author of Hebrews puts it, “You have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God.” The author then concludes this image with today’s reading. God’s kingdom is a kingdom which cannot be shaken or moved. It is solid strength for our souls and our faith.
No matter what tragedy or trial we may be facing we can give our gratitude to God for being our strength, for being our rock who holds us unmovable in all situations.
And what attitude should we have with God? Verse 28 concludes that we should worship God with reverence and awe. Our thanks which we offer to God are a form of reverence. Our trust in God’s unshakable support and guidance should be offered in awe.
God is described as a consuming fire. We know and trust that God will consume all of our troubles and woes with the fire of His Spirit. And that is cause for us to give thanks.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Read Hebrews 12:22-25 and thank God for His strength.
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