1 Samuel 17:45-49
Young David had been brought into the service of King Saul (1 Samuel 16:18-23) and the Israelites are at war with the Philistines. The Philistines have a champion, Goliath, a giant among men who mocks the Israelites daily and challenges them to fight. Only David, a shepherd skilled at defending the sheep from lions and bears, is willing to face the giant. And David has only a sling and some stones.
Why is David confident? What will be the result of David’s victory? What does David do?
Most people are familiar with this conflict between the giant and the little shepherd boy. The story is not only an inspiration for those facing insurmountable odds, but it also is a reminder of the faith and confidence we should all have in life.
David relied on the skills he had learned and honed while tending sheep. There were times when wild animals – lions and bears – would try to steal the sheep, but David would kill the animal and save the flock.
Each of us faces challenges in our lives at one time or another. We may feel that tasks in our job require an effort beyond our capabilities. We may struggle with relationships with other people, relationships that make us feel insignificant or threatened. We may feel that our faith is under attack, that events and situations bring up questions and doubts in our hearts.
Whenever we feel that we are not up to the task at hand – whether at work, in dealing with others, or in holding firm in our faith – we must remember David. He took the simple skills he knew and put them to use for a greater good. He armed himself with faith in God, with an unshakable confidence in the Lord’s power. This gave him the ability to overcome his enemy and do the impossible.
Each of us has skills in something. We may look at those skills as something powerful or as something weak. But that skill can be made into something wonderful if it is employed for God.
And we must add faith in God as part of our attitude when facing challenges. We are given confidence of overcoming all obstacles if we can completely believe that God is with us and that He will assist us in what we do. With the Lord on our side we can overcome any giant that stands against us.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What is your biggest challenge? What skills can you hand over to God so that He might help you overcome the challenge?
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