One day last summer when it was particularly hot and dry, a meter reader knocked on the door of the church and asked for a drink. We don’t have a drinking fountain, but I was able to find a can of cola for him in one of the refrigerators. On that day I was reminded of this story.
David is on the run from Saul and has gone to Nob. Tired and hungry, he has asked Ahimelech the priest for food. What does the priest have? What assurance must David give? What does Ahimelech give him?
This story is the one Jesus refers to when he explains that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28). Jesus’ reference seems to be a commentary on the unnecessarily strict rules and regulations of some religious practices, as well as a comment on holy attitudes versus holy actions.
But I find this passage about David somewhat symbolic. Receiving the consecrated bread, to me, is reminiscent of the anointing that he received from Saul in 1 Samuel 16:13.
The bread that Ahimelech had was holy bread, consecrated bread, bread intended to serve God. Yet this bread is given to David for his sustenance, to refresh him and give him new strength. In a way, this bread became a gift from God to provide for David. David was being fed from the Lord’s table.
The chilled can of soda was not a consecrated drink, but giving it was an act of grace in the Lord’s name. David also was the recipient of a gracious act in the name of God. He was helped in a difficult time, and that help can be seen as coming from God.
Like David, we may find ourselves on the run from troubles. We may not literally be on the lam, but we may emotionally feel that we are being pursued by heartache, hatred and malice. Where can we find the bread that will give us strength? Where will we receive a cool drink?
When we turn to the Lord we are always welcomed by God. He invites us to come to His table again and again. Whether physically finding the nourishment we need, or spiritually receiving the rest and refreshment that gives us strength, God gives freely from His table to all who turn to Him in need.
Before continuing on your journey I encourage you to come to the table of God and be fed.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Ask God for strength from His holy bread.
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