1 Samuel 18:1-4
While working at a local newspaper, each editor was assigned a certain number of pages that were that editor’s responsibility. Yet, no page ever went to press until at least two editors had signed off on the sheet. It was common for us to say, “I need another pair of eyes.”
Having a companion in the work, a different perspective, was very beneficial in avoiding mistakes and establishing confidence that we were doing a good job.
In today’s passage we see the beginning of a relationship between King Saul’s son, Jonathan, and David – a relationship which will last a long time. How does Jonathan feel toward David? According to verse 3 what does Jonathan do? What does Jonathan give to David?
David, champion against Goliath and the one who was anointed to be the future king, is taken in by the royal family. But David is not alone. The king’s son has established a bond with this young hero and pledges to be faithful to him.
As a sign of this pledge, Jonathan offers his robe, tunic, sword, bow, even his belt. He gives all of these devices, items of protection, to his friend. It is a sign of trust that there will be no barrier between the two.
David now has a loyal friend who will help him in all the ordeals that he will face. (You can read about all of these in 1 Samuel 19 and 20.) And we see similar pledges in 1 Samuel 20:14-15 and 1 Samuel 20:42.
As we go through life it is important to find someone you can trust, someone you can turn to for good advice, someone you can count on for a fresh perspective on certain situations. Most people can find another person to be a companion, one who can be relied upon. These friends can be a true help in times of trouble or doubt.
But if you feel there is no one you can truly trust enough with your problems, you need to remember that you have a friend who can be counted on. Jesus loves you as himself. I believe that each of us can turn to Christ in times of doubt or uncertainty and that Jesus will respond. We may not be able to see his face or touch his hand as we can with mortals, but he is just as real as any person in your life.
It is good to value relationships, to tend them and have them grow. But we must never overlook the companion and friend who is also our Savior. Go to Jesus in prayer whenever troubles confront you and he will be your companion though it all.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Is there something in your life that requires the presence of Jesus for your comfort and confidence?
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