Luke 1:35-37
Many years ago my cousin’s wife had a baby. I asked him if they were planning another child in the coming years and he said, “I’m still trying to get over this one. The doctors said she couldn’t have a baby.”
Here in our ordinary life we saw a miracle. A baby was born to a young couple who expected that they would never have children. But, apparently, God had other plans.
In this part of the Christmas story the angel Gabriel has appeared to Mary and explained that she is to give birth to a child who will be great. He will be the Son of God. And this makes Mary wonder how it can all be possible.
How will this come about? What other miracle is mentioned? What does Gabriel declare in verse 37?
The celebration and story of Christmas is a story of miracles and the power of God. The very fact hat Jesus was born, God in human form, is a display of the mighty power of God. And so the second name for Christ is “Mighty God.”
But with the birth of Jesus were other miracles which displayed the incredible power of God. Mary, a virgin, was to give birth to the Savior. And along with Mary was her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth was believed to be barren, unable to have children, yet when the angel came to Mary Elizabeth was already six months along in her pregnancy.
And how was all this possible? It was possible through the power of God. As the angel declared, “nothing is impossible with God.”
It is always exciting to celebrate Christmas, to remember what it all means, to share in the wonder and glory of the story. But we shouldn’t limit ourselves to just a few weeks in the winter. The miracles of God are around us at all times.
Even in our darkest hours, in the bleakest of times, in those days when we feel lost and alone we can experience the miracles of God. When we think it is impossible for our lives to get better, when we think it is impossible for us to find happiness, remember the words of the angel.
Jesus was born two-thousand years ago but the title of Mighty God did not end when he was crucified. Jesus is still the wonderful Counselor and he is still the Mighty God who can do the impossible in our lives.
In the birth of a little baby God was connecting to a dark and hurting world and that connection still remains. Take the time this holiday season to draw near to the Mighty God who has come to fill your life with joy and love and miracles. Let him fill your life with the miracles of peace and comfort.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Is there something impossible that you need from God?
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