I love to play games, especially games of military tactics and strategy. I love the challenges of thinking through what moves need to be made and how I can defeat my opponent. We have often made jokes about my desire to play games because I am usually the loser. But I don’t lose every time. I am familiar with the elation that comes with winning. There is a thrill to see success in your plans, victory over an opponent. There is joy in winning.
Today’s passage may seem far distant from the story of Christmas, but it relates to the title of “Mighty God” and the concept of joy. What is Joshua doing? How does Moses help? What is the result?
Taken at face value the story seems like a myth involving some magic on the part of Moses. Although Moses needed to keep his arms and the staff of God raised to ensure victory, the victory came because of the power of God. By lifting up the staff while on a hilltop Moses was serving as a reminder to Joshua and his soldiers that God was with them to deliver their enemy into their hands.
So, what does this have to do with Christmas? Moses, Joshua and the Israelites experienced the joy of victory, a joy that came directly from God. They had a victory because God is a mighty God with great power.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus, but that baby was also the Son of God. He is the mighty God too.
Christmas is the celebration of the gift of Jesus, who came to be the wonderful Counselor we need. But he is more than a counselor; he is also the mighty God who is able to do miraculous things in our lives. He is the source of our joy.
The baby born in Bethlehem came to bring the joy of love to our lives. And he came as our mighty God to defeat and destroy the power of sin in our lives. He came to give us victory over the fears and sorrows, the troubles and hardships of life.
As we celebrate Christmas this year let us raise up our mighty God that we may be reminded that He is always present with us to give us the joy of victory.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can remind you of the presence of our mighty god this year?
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