Romans 8:35-37
Discussing the concept of family at our most recent Bible study we were to take some time and think about our own families and our past. We examined what type of family we each had, looking at what qualities we saw in each. And thinking back over all the years with my own family I came to realize that over all the years, all the events in our lives, the marriages, the travels, the sadness and joys, there was love as a constant thread.
And the same can be said of us as members of Christ’s family. Jesus was sent by God to live among mortals, to be our spiritual brother no matter how much time separates when we live and when Jesus lived.
In his letter to the believers in Rome Paul offers encouragement. What life afflictions are mentioned in today’s passage? How does Paul sum up what it sometimes feels like to be a Christian? What is the conclusion?
Jesus Christ was born to a small family, entering the world as a little child. Yet, he was also our mighty God. And part of his incredible might is the love that he brought to us all, all those who are part of the family of Christ. That love remains constant over all the centuries and will remain constant in all the years yet to come.
The story of Christmas seems fixed in time in the long ago, but the story of the joy that Jesus brings is a new story that we receive every day. It is easy to keep the image of Jesus as a tiny baby in a manger during this holiday. But we should never forget that he is also the mighty God who brings joy.
Christmas is the story of God making us conquerors, victors over all those problems we may have and victors over the burdens of sin. The love of our mighty God brings us the joy of victory over all of life’s troubles. His love brings the joy of victory over all the hardships we may face.
As we near the celebration of Christ’s birth let us be reminded that the child born is also the Son of God who delivers us with his power, the power of love. And let us never forget the bond that God’s love has with us. It cannot be defeated or blocked. It cannot be diminished or taken away.
The love of God expressed through his Son, Jesus, is a love that is with us always. And in all things we are more than conquerors through him.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What does God’s love help you conquer?
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