John 13:34-35
We have three Christmas trees in the main section of our house. One is in the entryway, one is in the living room and one is in the dining room. All are near windows so that they may be seen from outside.
Why do we do this? Why do we decorate our homes with lights and trees and evergreen swags? We do it so that we can share the wonderful season of Christmas with others.
The trees are beautiful and it is very pleasant to sit in the evening and look at all the decorations and the soft lights. But our celebration of Christmas is not something only for ourselves. The excitement and love of the holiday is meant to be shared with everyone.
Today’s passage is from a later chapter in John, but I believe it is as much a part of the story of Christmas as any other. What does Jesus command? What will that show?
Christmas can be a wonderful time of gathering as family or with friends, surrounding ourselves with all the joys and pleasures of the holiday. It can be a very personal experience, a time of family love and warmth.
But the gift of Christmas, although meant to be a personal and intimate gift, is also a gift which needs to be shared. We receive the love of God at Christmas. We are reminded of how deep and powerful God’s compassion for us truly is.
Now we must spread that gift to others. We must show the love and compassion of God to the entire world, sharing Christ with everyone.
Let the love and joy of Christmas be yours, but let it also be shown to the world, shining as bright and pure as the candles and lights of the season.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you shine God’s light of love this year?
This is our final devotion for 2009. We will resume on January 4, 2010. Our family would like to wish all of you a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year. May the love and peace of God be with you always. – Roger and Peggy