Mark 14:49-50
As our children get older we are giving them more and more responsibilities and expecting more involvement in what we do. One of their responsibilities has been to help out with doing the dishes – washing utensils, pots and pans – and then putting them away. Frequently, however, one of them will hold up a spatula or pot and ask, “Where does this go?”
That usually gets a response of “Are you new here?” How can they live in our house day after day for years and not know where we keep these items?
It can be frustrating to think you have been putting time and effort into things and no one seems to notice or appreciate it. I can imagine how Jesus felt when he was arrested in the garden. What did he say about himself? How did his followers react to the arrest?
Upon the arrival of this group of men who came to arrest him Jesus has a comment to make about how they are acting. They have come with swords and clubs, as if they have to subdue this man. Jesus points out that he has been around for quite some time. He has made no secret of his teachings and his actions. Now, suddenly, it is not okay and these people are acting as if they know nothing about him.
Jesus’ words are a criticism of the behavior and attitude of this band of armed men, but it is also a reminder that Jesus has had a ministry that has spanned some time. He has taught several lessons. He has explained things to his followers over and over again. And now we see the response of his disciples. “Everyone deserted him and fled.”
In spite of the time Jesus has spent with his disciples, in spite of all the lessons he has taught and the miracles he has performed in front of them, they are not ready to stand behind their Lord. These followers of Jesus were not ready to stand up in faith even though Jesus had been with them all that time.
We also can claim to have faith and a relationship with Christ and still shrink away from our responsibilities as Christians. We can claim to love the Lord and still be unprepared to share our faith or show love to strangers.
If we will be true children of God we need to be ready to stand with Jesus at our side, and not desert him in tough times.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do stand firm in your faith and not run from your responsibilities?
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