Luke 22:31-32
When I have things on my mind or I am feeling stressed about something I can become rather testy. That means I am likely to snap at other people in my family, especially my wife. And then we have an argument with raised voices and hurt feelings.
But when I have had a chance to calm down and get a better perspective on things I can go to my wife and find forgiveness. Things go back to where they need to be, and that’s a good thing.
During the Last Supper with his disciples Jesus had some bad news for Peter, the disciple who thought he was the most devoted. What was Jesus’ warning? What was his assurance?
A close look at what Peter does in all the Gospels will show you that Peter was somewhat impetuous. He seemed to be the first to jump at things, to open his mouth, to step forward. He always had something to say, and he was frequently wrong.
Jesus warned Peter that things were not going to be easy for him during the crucifixion. Peter gives an oath that he would follow his Lord even to death (verse 33) but Jesus still predicts his betrayal. In spite of what he was saying Peter was not ready with his faith just yet. He was not ready to withstand the testing he would go through.
But Jesus also assured him that Peter was protected by Christ’s prayers. Although he would deny Christ – three times, no less! – Peter would still have faith. And when he was ready to get back on his spiritual feet, it would be his job to help the others get their act together too.
We can be like Peter. We can think we are strong in our faith, that we believe, that we understand the Bible and we’re ready to face anything. And then something difficult comes along and knocks us right out of the saddle. We doubt. We question God. We feel abandoned.
But like Peter, if we have accepted Christ as our Savior, then he is with us in these trying times. And like Peter, when we get a clearer perspective on our faith we are welcomed back by Jesus and strengthened in our faith.
We must be ready to face the challenges of life. And we must be ready to trust in God during the tough times.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can remind you that God is with you to strengthen your faith in hard times?
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