Romans 6:5-6
I heard a story long ago about a famous actress married to a rich businessman. Their life together was one of opulence, wealth and plenty. It was said that on one of their anniversaries the husband gave her a card that said, “Thank you for being with me through thick.” Apparently there was no “thin” in that marriage.
But most relationships are going to have both the thick and the thin times. There will be good times and bad times, and those who really care about one another will stand side by side through it all. True caring and love will not shy away from difficulties.
In Romans Paul explains that when we are baptized we are baptized into Christ. In other words, we are made a part of Jesus and we are connected to him. Through that connection, then, we are also connected to his death. As he is a victor over sin and death, so are we.
What further comment does he make about our connection with Jesus? What does he say about our life before faith in Jesus?
Keeping faith in trying times may be difficult. We can’t always see things from God’s perspective. We don’t always understand what is going on, and it is easy to start questioning your own abilities to endure and cling to faith.
But we can be ready in our faith, ready to deal with all the troubles of life, because we know the old is gone and the new is here. Once we accept Jesus as Savior then we belong to him. We are baptized into his life, death and resurrection. We no longer have to live a life of hopelessness and sin.
And more than that, we are no longer alone. Even though we may face struggles and hardships in life, because we believe in Jesus and have accepted him as Savior, we are united with him. He is there to give us that strength we need to face the troubles of life.
Jesus is in a relationship with us, and he will be with us through thick and thin, good times and bad. Knowing that should help us to be strong in our faith.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you approach sin and temptation knowing that Jesus has freed you from them?
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